Baby Spinach

Product Description

Rainbow Fresh Baby Spinach is our most popular leafy green. It is famously known for its nutrient richness. Its versatility allows it to be tasty both cooked or raw and harmonises with many other foods. Rainbow Fresh harvest young tender leaves, grown in the soil to provide spinach with a high level of flavour and longevity.

Packing Details
Available in 500gm bulk pack, 1kg tub, 1.5kg box, 3kg box

Why Buy Rainbow Fresh?
  • Grown in the Adelaide Plains, recognised as a unique horticultural environment.
  • Soil-grown leaves for robust flavour and longevity.
  • Local farm and local processing for guaranteed freshness and traceability.
  • 24-hour turnaround from harvesting to wholesaling.
  • Local means- “Low Food Miles”.
  • Communicate directly with the grower ensuring needs are met and demands are catered for.
  • WASHED, dried and packed fresh.
  • To maintain the freshness of the product, please remember to refrigerate it at a temperature between 1-4 degrees Celsius.
  • We hear you and we are here for you!

Please reach out for a free sample of our products and chat with us about your needs.

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