Green Chard

Product Description

Rainbow Fresh Green Chard is a highly nutritious versatile green leafy vegetable. It has been used for cooking for centuries and is enjoying a surge in popularity as our interest in healthy eating grows. Delicious in both raw and in cooked dishes.

Packing Details
Available in 1.5kg box

Why Buy Rainbow Fresh?
  • Grown in the Adelaide Plains, recognised as a unique horticultural environment.
  • Soil-grown leaves for robust flavour and longevity.
  • Local farm and local processing for guaranteed freshness and traceability.
  • 24-hour turnaround from harvesting to wholesaling.
  • Local means- “Low Food Miles”.
  • Communicate directly with the grower ensuring needs are met and demands are catered for.
  • WASHED, dried and packed fresh.
  • To maintain the freshness of the product, please remember to refrigerate it at a temperature between 1-4 degrees Celsius.
  • We hear you and we are here for you!

Please reach out for a free sample of our products and chat with us about your needs.

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